Nominations for the Rouleaux Club Executive Committee 2023-24 are now open. By standing for election candidates are confirming that they will abide by the Rouleaux Club constitution and follow the rules and regulations as detailed below.
Positions Available
Tenure: 1 Year
Pre-requisites:Previously held a position on the Executive Committee. Open to all Ordinary Members. Ideally this candidate should be senior (ST5+ or equivalent) given the nature of the role.
Voting restrictions: Open to all members
Tenure: 2 Years
Pre-requisites: Open to Ordinary Members with at least five years’ experience as a doctor (currently working within a vascular surgery SAS/LED role). Must not hold a current NTN or have applied for CESR.
Voting Restrictions: Ordinary members
Tenure: 2 Years
Pre-requisites: Open to Ordinary Members who have passed the FRCS (Vascular) examination.
Voting Restrictions: Ordinary members
Tenure: 2 Years (1st year NVTD rep, 2nd year BSET rep)
Pre-requisites: NTN ST3 and above
Voting restrictions: Ordinary members
Tenure: 2 Years
Pre-requisites: Open to Ordinary Members (ST4+ or equivalent)
Voting Restrictions: Open to all members
Tenure: 2 Years
Pre-requisites: Open to Ordinary Members (ST3+ or equivalent)
Voting Restrictions: Ordinary members
Tenure: 2 Years
Pre-requisites: Open to all Ordinary Members
Voting Restriction: Ordinary members
Tenure: 2 Years
Pre-requisites: Must be an active under-/postgraduate medical student studying within the UK or Ireland
Voting Restrictions: Open to all members
Candidates will be asked to complete a self-nomination form including a photo, their contact details, grade, deanery/ medical school, twitter handle (if available) and a 500-word manifesto. Candidates will also need to include the contact details of a proposer. Deadline for applications is 12pm on Saturday 11th November 2023.
Candidates may stand for a maximum of two positions, providing they meet the pre-requisites. All nominations will be checked by a member of the current Executive Committee to confirm eligibility.
Manifestos will be published to the Rouleaux Club membership on 14th November 2023.
Virtual Hustings will take place at 19:30 on Wed 15th November via Zoom. Attendance at this event is not mandatory when running for a position but is strongly encouraged. Candidates will be invited to give a 1-minute pitch on why they are suitable for the role(s) at the hustings. If unavailable, their manifesto will be read out instead.
Voting will open via the online Choice Voting digital platform immediately after the hustings has concluded. Voting will remain open until 8pm on Mon 20th November 2023. Eligible members will receive an email enabling them to vote. Please ensure your membership details are up to date on your Rouleaux website account by 23:59 on Sun 12th November 2023 – we will not be able to make further changes to the Choice Voting platform after this date.
The new committee announced at the Rouleaux Club Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wed 22nd November 2023 at the VS ASM in Dublin.
Voting Eligibility
Rouleaux Club members who attend medical school or are qualified doctors with UK GMC / IMC registration are eligible to vote, subject to restrictions as described previously. ‘Ordinary members’ refers to UK NTN and UK non-NTN members, and excludes affiliate and non-UK members. NTN refers to holding a ‘National Training Number’ in vascular surgery.
The Candidate with the highest number of votes will be elected to the position.
Candidates may only hold one position on committee with exception of Vice President where another role may be held for the VP year only. Where a candidate stands for 2 positions and is elected for both they will be given the choice as to which position they wish to be elected to. The runner up in the election for the unfilled position will automatically be elected into the vacant post. If this leads to the situation where that second individual would have two roles, they could choose one of the two roles and the runner up for the second role would be elected. This would continue until all roles are filled.
Where there is a tied vote between two candidates, the deciding vote will be made by the outgoing President and Vice-President. If there is a further tie, this will be put to vote by the Executive Committee.
If a candidate decides to withdraw after the elections have commenced and before the committee is announced then the runner up will be appointed.
Submit your application here.