About Us

The Rouleaux Club represents the views of trainees in vascular surgery. We are the only representative voice for vascular surgical training in Great Britain and Ireland. The Rouleaux Club Constitution can be read here.

Our Mission statement

The Rouleaux Club aims to represent all doctors training in Vascular Surgery, regardless of grade or seniority, including those wanting to train and medical students. We want everyone to be able to thrive in their roles regardless of race, ethnicity, age, faith, gender, sexual orientation or disability. We strive to be inclusive to our current members and to invite those not yet involved to join so that we can work together to advocate for training and welfare issues.


Membership of the Rouleaux Club is free to junior doctors and consultants interested in vascular surgery training in Great Britain and Ireland. Affiliate memberships are also available for students and allied health professionals.  In addition, we offer membership to international trainees and consultants.

Executive Committee Roles

All Executive Committee roles are elected by the Rouleaux Club membership immediately prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM is held each year the Vascular Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting. The roles and their responsibility on the committee are outlined below. 

In a small number of roles, eligibility to vote for a position is limited by membership type (Ordinary or Affiliate). Likewise, eligibility to stand for a small number of roles is limited by the member either holding a national training number (NTN), being a specialty and associate specialist (SAS)/locally employed doctor (LED) or by level of experience, given the nature of that position. 

For the purposes of brevity, for each committee position a maximum of three candidates will be entered for election. Where more than three candidates apply for a particular committee role, shortlisting will be undertaken jointly by the President and Vice President as they are not permitted to vote in the main election. The role of Vice President will not be subject to this limitation and all eligible candidates will be entered for election.


Tenure: 1 Year
Pre-requisites: Vice President 

The President co-ordinates the Rouleaux Club Executive and trainee representation on a number of committees and societies (Vascular Society, ASiT, BSET and the Circulation Foundation). The President is an ambassador for the club and the specialty, ensuring trainees’ voices are heard and our views are represented. The President sits on the Vascular Society Council (four meetings per year) to represent the opinions and concerns of trainees to the Vascular Society. The President cannot vote in the election of the Executive Committee.


Lauren Shelmerdine

I’m an ST6 trainee in the Northern Deanery. I’ve been on the committee for several years, previously representing Rouleaux on the SAC and the Circulation Foundation committee and as a co-opted member of the Edinburgh College Vascular Surgical Speciality Board. I’ve taken time out of training previously for research and service development and to have my little boy. In my free time, I  enjoy being outdoors, especially with my two huskies Rogue and Storm.

Vice President

Tenure: 1 Year

Pre-requisites: Previously held a position on the Executive Committee. Open to all Ordinary Members. Ideally this candidate should be senior (ST5+ or equivalent) given the nature of the role.

Holds a central position in the running of the society, raising its profile, and communicating with the President regarding all aspects of the Rouleaux Club. They may continue to hold another position on the committee during this year if tenure extends into this period. The role also involves covering other committee members when they are unable to attend meetings. The Vice President cannot vote in the election of the Executive Committee.

Vice President (and Education Representative)

Mohammed Elkawafi

 I am an ST6 Vascular Surgery Trainee . I am pleased to be in the education role in the Roueloux club. I am working to improve the training for all vascular doctors and medical students. I have a passion for teaching and I am working with my colleagues in the committee to deliver virtual and in person training nationally. I am looking to introduce recognition for the trainers in vascular surgery.

Specialty Advisory Committee Representative

Tenure: 2 Years

Pre-requisites: NTN ST5 and above


The role of SAC Representative involves attending three meetings per year (Feb/June/Sept) with the Vascular Specialty Advisory Committee (SAC). One of these meetings will be in person.  The role involves liaising with trainees regarding any training issues and feeding back to the Vascular SAC. The SAC representative may be asked to give opinions on behalf of trainees are about developing training issues. The role provides opportunities to be involved with the curriculum, quality improvement and improving the training programme. The SAC representative is also invited to sit on the BSIR Education and Research Committee. Other opportunities may arise as a result of this role in matters related to training.

SAC Representative

John Houghton

I am a ST7 in the East Midlands and NIHR Clinical Lecturer at the University of Leicester. Outside of work I have three children that keep me very busy and an unhealthy obsession with Leeds United.

Secretary & Treasurer

Tenure: 2 Years

Pre-requisites: Open to all members


The Secretary role is to take minutes at all committee meetings and to coordinate communication between committee members, as well as between committee members and the Rouleaux Membership. They are the first point of contact for the Rouleaux Club. They also maintain stability on the finances, developing a steady and regular income stream in the future is an ongoing medium to long term aim.

Secretary & Treasurer

Xun Lou

I am a non-NTN registrar currently in the Thames Valley deanery, having previously worked in Leeds, Liverpool, and London. I’m interested in medical education, and additionally supporting locally employed doctors too; improving recognition, career opportunities, and progression. Outside of work, I enjoy squash, climbing, and skiing.

Website and Communications Rep

Tenure: 2 Years

Pre-requisites: Open to all members

Website & Communications Representative maintains the Rouleaux Club website and social media accounts and provides regular communication with the membership. Alongside this they operate the club’s social media accounts and are central in interacting with members.

Website and Communications Rep

Hayat Nadama

I am an ST4 in the North West, having previously worked in Oxford and graduated from the University of Nottingham in 2019. I am interested in medical education and global health. Outside of work, I am interested in web design and powerlifting.

Circulation Foundation and Venous Rep

Tenure: 2 Years

Pre-requisites: Open to all Ordinary Members

The Circulation Foundation Representative is the link between the UK’s only vascular charity and vascular trainees. The role involves advising the charity on clinical matters as well as providing support in writing advertisements, articles as well as with fundraising ideas. It is expected that they attend several charity meetings per year. The role also involves being the society’s venous representative, working with the Royal Society of Medicine’s Venous Forum.

Circulation Foundation and Venous Rep

 Sarah Nduwayo

I am an ST6 vascular surgery trainee in Oxford/Wessex deanery. I have undertaken post graduate research at the University of Leicester. I am pleased to be the Venous and Circulation Foundation representative. I have an interest in incorporating more endovenous simulation in educational activities for trainees. I look forward to contribute and continue the excellent work by the Circulation Foundation in raising awareness of vascular disease in the general population.

SAS/LED Representative

Tenure: 2 years

Pre-requisites: Open to Ordinary Members with at least five years’ experience as a doctor (currently working within a vascular surgery SAS/LED role). Must not hold a current NTN or have applied for CESR.

New for 2023, the SAS/LED Representative will promote engagement and representation of SAS and LED members within the Rouleaux Club. The Representative will feedback issues affecting SAS and LED members to the Club and work with the Vascular Society’s SAS/LED Representatives to help highlight training and workforce issues with the wider vascular community.

SAS/LED Representative

Hussein El-Kashef

I am a Specialty Doctor in Vascular Surgery, I currently work as an Endovascular fellow at Sunderland Royal Hospital. I have previously worked in Egypt, London and Newcastle. I am interested in supporting LEDs and SAS doctors in their professional development and career progression as well as providing guidance for candidates applying for specialist registration via the Portfolio pathway.

Education Representative

Tenure: 2 years (one post per year)

Pre-requisites: None, except one of these two posts must be an NTN


The Education Representatives will role focuses on directing and supporting all audit and survey projects run through Rouleaux, as well as getting involved with the development and implementation of national vascular projects. The role also involves sitting on the Vascular Society Education Committee (four meetings per year), helping to deliver the ASPIRE Juniors programmes and advising on the development of the ASPIRE programme for vascular trainees. They will co-ordinate the running of the Introduction to Vascular Surgery course alongside the ASiT, BSET and Circulation Foundation Representatives.

Education Rep

Adam Talbot

I’m Adam, an ST5 trainee in the North West. I’m the Education Representative for the Rouleaux Club, something that I’m really passionate about. I’m looking forward to taking part in the various courses run by the Rouleaux Club. Outside of work I’m currently completing an MSc in Clinical Education and writing a column for Vascular News. I also love watching football, playing golf and most of all playing with my baby daughter.

Welfare Rep

Tenure: 2 years

Pre-requisites: Open to Ordinary Members (ST3+ or equivalent)

The Welfare Representative role was created in 2021 in response to the unacceptable results of the Rouleaux Club’s bullying, undermining and harassment surveys. The role involves working with the Vascular Society’s Workforce Committee to help develop initiatives to help take BUH behaviours in vascular surgery.

Welfare Rep

Allison Winarski

I am currently an ST3 in the Yorkshire and Humber deanery, having graduated from Leeds University in 2017. I have previously worked in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Newcastle. Outside of medicine I enjoy spending time outdoors, long-distance hill and trail running. In my capacity as Welfare Rep I look forward to working with the Vascular Society’s Workforce Committee to address issues relating to bullying, undermining and harassment, and to improve vascular trainee experiences.

Medical Student and Communication Rep

Tenure: 2 Years

Pre-requisites: Must be an active under-/postgraduate medical student studying within the UK or Ireland

The Medical Student Representative leads the promotion of vascular surgery and the Rouleaux Club within UK/Ireland medical schools. The Representatives runs the Surgical Society Affiliate programme and handles queries and advertisements from medical schools. The role also requires supporting website and communications.

Medical Student and Communication Rep

Jack Filan

I am an FY1 doctor in the North East, having recently graduated from Newcastle University. As the current Medical Student representative, I am passionate about promoting vascular surgery tomedical students and  ensuring equal access to opportunities for all students. I am also interested in clinical education research and widening participation. Outside of work, I enjoy training in the gym.

FRCS Exam Rep

Tenure: 2 Years

Pre-requisites: Open to Ordinary Members who have passed the FRCS (Vascular) examination.

The FRCS Examination Representative represents trainees’ views on the FRCS (Vascular) society to the and helps support standard setting for the Part One exam. Given the nature of the role, this is only open to ordinary members who have passed both parts of the FRCS (Vascular) exam.

FRCS Exam Rep

Kerry Burke

I am an ST8 vascular trainee in the North West, currently out of programme completing a PhD. I have a keen interest in medical education as well as supporting trainees through training. As the FRCS exam representative, I represent your views in the FRCS exam board meetings, and support exam and revision resource development. Outside of work I love to run!

Education Representative

Tenure: 2 years (one post per year)

Pre-requisites: None, except one of these two posts must be an NTN


The Education Representatives will role focuses on directing and supporting all audit and survey projects run through Rouleaux, as well as getting involved with the development and implementation of national vascular projects. The role also involves sitting on the Vascular Society Education Committee (four meetings per year), helping to deliver the ASPIRE Juniors programmes and advising on the development of the ASPIRE programme for vascular trainees. They will co-ordinate the running of the Introduction to Vascular Surgery course alongside the ASiT, BSET and Circulation Foundation Representatives.

Education Rep

Mohamed Elkawafi

I am ST6 Vascular Surgery Trainee. I am pleased to be in the education role in the Roueloux club. I am working to improve the training for all vascular doctors and medical students. I have a passion for teaching and I am working with my colleagues in the committee to deliver virtual and in person training nationally. I am looking to introduce recognition for the trainers in vascular surgery.


Tenure: 2 Years

Pre-requisites: Must hold a National Training Number (ST3+)

The ASiT Representative will sit on the ASIT Council to represent the viewpoint of vascular trainees in matters pertaining to surgical training in general. ASIT council meets up to eight times a year and holds a national conference annually. The Representative will take an active role in all aspects of ASIT work, organises a vascular pre-conference course for trainees, and provides a link with the Rouleaux Executive. Over the last few years, the Rouleaux club has developed an excellent working relationship with ASIT, which we hope to continue in the coming years. The ASIT representative will also provide representation for Vascular Surgery on the National Selection steering group.


Anuradha Venugopal

My name is Anuradha and I am an ST4 in the northwest. I live with my husband and 2 children aged 10 and 6. Vascular surgery as a specialty, has the potential to be a forerunner in shaping training of future surgeons. Through Rouleaux and to ASiT, I hope to highlight and address generic and specific issues around training, recruitment and retention.

Outside work, I pursue my training in Indian classical dancing and have recently ventured into theatre production and direction.


Tenure: 2 Years (1 post per year)

Pre-requisites: Open to Ordinary Members (ST3+ or equivalent)

The Representatives assist with representing the Rouleaux Club at the British Society of Endovascular Therapy (BSET) and assisting with the running of the National Vascular Training Day (NVTD). In the first year, the representative will sit on the BSET Council and assist with the running of the NVTD. In the second year they will be expected to be lead organiser for the NVTD.


Nada Elzefzaf

II am currently an ST3 in wessex deanery. With my previous experience in Egypt, I aspire to help improving Endovascular training for all vascular trainees and adress any issues with that. As BSET rep I hope to be a voice for all trainees in BEST board.


Tenure: 2 Years (1 post per year)

Pre-requisites: Open to Ordinary Members (ST3+ or equivalent)

The Representatives assist with representing the Rouleaux Club at the British Society of Endovascular Therapy (BSET) and assisting with the running of the National Vascular Training Day (NVTD). In the first year, the representative will sit on the BSET Council and assist with the running of the NVTD. In the second year they will be expected to be lead organiser for the NVTD.


Sai Wunnava

I am an North East based ST3 trainee, having graduated from Newcastle University. As BSET/NVTD rep, I am interested in radiation safety for trainees and increasing the use of endovascular simulators. Outside of work, I enjoy cooking, live music and travelling.

Meeting of Executive Committee Members

The Executive Committee will meet in person two times a year at the Vascular Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting (VSASM), and at the BSET Annual Meeting. In between these periods, Executive Committee members attend telephone conference meetings every 4 to 6 weeks.

Contact Us

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